Do You Need Help? – Support for the Wiener Bildungspost

Depending on your role and your issue, there are different support channels available. Use the following overview to find the right contact point.

  1. Staff: Teachers and Educators
  2. Parents or Legal Guardians
  3. Administrative Roles: FoxAdmins and Key-Users

Educational Staff: Teachers and Educators

Technical issues logging into WiBi with your "Stadt Wien" account:

Please contact your local Administrator or the WiBi Key-User at your school or institution.

Questions regarding the functionality of WiBi:

Your first point of contact is your local Administrator or WiBi Key-User.

Use the FoxHub platform for welcome materials and helpful information:
🔗 FoxHub

For detailed instructions, visit the Fox Knowledgebase:
🔗 Fox Knowledgebase

Technical issues with WiBi:

For support, please contact the respective department.

Parents or Legal Guardians

Technical issues logging into WiBi with your City of Vienna account

Contact the Stadtservice Wien by phone:
📞 [Times and phone number to be provided]

Need a new invitation code to link your "Stadt Wien" account with your child?

Please contact the FoxAdmin or your child's class/group leader to request the current invitation code.
The child's invitation code can always be generated by a class/group admin.

Questions about WiBi’s functionalities?

Use the FoxHub platform for welcome materials and helpful information:
🔗 FoxHub

For detailed instructions, visit the Fox Knowledgebase:
🔗 Fox Knowledgebase


Administrative Roles: FoxAdmins and Key-Users