You can contact the institution's staff through the chat or messaging function.
1. How can I contact teachers, educators, and group leaders through messages?
Use the messaging function for important, formal, or sensitive content. Messages can be archived and exported if necessary.
- Open the app.
- Select the class/group in which you want to create a message.
- You will usually be directed to the "Messages" section. You can switch between different sections (Messages, FoxDrive, etc.) via the navigation menu.
- Click on the icon in the bottom right corner to send a new message or an absence notification.
- Add a subject and message text.
- You can attach a file and add a date to your message.
- In the next step, select the recipients. You can choose all the people assigned to the class/group as potential recipients.
- After sending the message by clicking "Send", you will see it in your inbox.
2. How can I contact teachers, educators, and group leaders through chats?
Use chats when you want to exchange short, informal content with the institution's staff.
- Open the app.
- Select a class/group to display the chat function in the bottom navigation menu.
- Click on the plus sign to start a new chat.
- As a user, you can only select participants who have previously activated their visibility under "My Profile".
- You can filter participants by role and class/group or display them using the search function.
- Add a subject and, if necessary, a description text for the new chat. The description text does not serve as the first message, but rather informs participants about the purpose of the chat.
- After clicking "Create" the chat will open.
- You can send files and messages.
By clicking on the chat title, you can view and modify participants, mute the chat, leave, close, delete, or disable replies for participants.