1. Knowledge Base
  2. For users
  3. FoxDrive and FoxPortfolio

How can I upload new files to the FoxPortfolio?

Users can add new files to their child's portfolio through the FoxiApp.

When the FoxPortfolio is activated, all users receive their own QR code from the teacher/educator/group leader, which authorizes them to upload their own files.

  1. Download the FoxiApp from your mobile device's App Store.

  2. Open the FoxiApp and scan your QR code.

  3. You can then view existing data or upload new files.

  4. Children and/or users can take new photos or videos or select them from the phone's gallery.

  5. Image files can also be supplemented with voice messages.

  6. Children and/or users can record voice messages (songs, readings, or stories).

  7. Depending on the configuration, user uploads may need to be approved by a class/group admin before they are finalized.